Building on previous successes by the Claasen team, Acadia has raised the bar in terms of appearance and quality. She successfully brings together traditional detailing and lively contemporary influences in a single form. And the yachting magazines have been unanimous in their praise as the quotes below illustrate. Click on the respective links to read the full articles.
René Meyer of YACHTemoceans.com noted that Acadia has “the elegant look of a yacht oldtimer but with the advantages of state-of-the-art technology and the present-day knowledge of yacht design.” Christina Tsangaris of Superyachts.com agreed: “She features new cutting-edge technology, refined woodwork and outfitting, as well as a first-rate installation of its systems and highly contemporary PLC designs; a perfect balance of engineering and design.”
“The exterior is finished with finely varnished teak details to further enhance a boat that will clearly stand the test of time in every respect,” stated Greek magazine Skipper on Deck, continuing to say that “the sense of quality seamlessly continues when you step into Acadia’s interior spaces, where no expense was spared on the mod cons that make for a luxurious stay.” Steffan Meyric-Hughes of Britain’s Classic Boat was “impressed during a recent test sail of a Truly Classic 126 (the biggest in the range), by the speed and usability of a boat which, while firmly in the ‘superyacht’ category, was a breeze to get to grips with.”
Chris Jefferies of Boat International and Marie Cullen of Megayacht News were equally enthusiastic about Acadia. And the pithiest endorsement for the builders came from Italy’s Pressmare, which simply declared that Acadia “also proves that the World Superyacht Award which Claasen Shipyards recently won for the Truly Classic 127 Atalante was no flash in the pan.”